Switch out your to-do for a completion list to boost productivity

There is nothing worse than waking up and knowing you have a whole list of to-do’s to be done. Where do you start? Often, the mere thought of how much you need to get done is enough to make you want to shut down and procrastinate.

Instead of starting off your day by listing everything you need to do and having the pressure of ticking off each task individually, try the following:

Get your diary, notepad or notes app on your phone (whichever way works best for you) and title the page or space with Completion List. For example, here is a previous completion list of mine…

Completion List

  • Gym
  • 80-minute run
  • Shower
  • Finished book
  • Cleaned the office
  • Painted my nails
  • Started a new book
  • Ordered prescription

The fun part about completion lists is that you can put absolutely anything on there. If getting out of bed was a challenge today, that deserves space on the completion list. If you are worried about forgetting any tasks that have a specific deadline, put a reminder in your diary or phone with plenty of time to do it i.e. give yourself a countdown rather than setting one reminder for the date or time it needs to be completed by.

Some days my completion list is a couple of tasks but knowing that I’ve done something productive makes me feel all the better for it.

Once you get one thing noted down on your completion list, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, you will find that you are more motivated to complete other tasks, perhaps ones that you have been avoiding for a while.

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